Opening a Gateway Mortgage Bank account is easier than ever before, simply fill in your details below and visit the nearest Gateway Mortgage Bank branch at your convenience with the required documentation to get your account activated.

1 Account Type
2 Personal Infotmation
3 Residential
4 Next of KIN
5 Documents
6 Identification
Account Type

Before you proceed, please take note that the following documents must be available for upload in .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg format
1. Passport Photograph
2. Valid ID Card
3. Recent Utility Bill
4. CAC Certificate
5. TIN Certificate
6. Memorandum of Association (For Limited)
7. Application for Registration of Business (For Enterprises)
9. Application to Open an Account on Letter Headed Paper Signed and Stamped
10. Board Resolution on Letter Headed Paper Signed and Stamped
11. 2 Suitable Reference using Corporate Account UBO (Click here to Download)
12. Reference Form (Click here to Download)

Personal Information

Kindly upload your signature

SignatureI agree to the terms and conditions
(Sign Here)
Clear Signature
Residential Address*
Next of Kin*
Mandatory Documents*
Mode of Identification*