Get up to 50 percent of your net monthly salary upfront. Available for Government and Private Staff agencies with active salary account domiciled in GMB for a period of 6 months. Through this scheme is qualified for GMB customers can access short- or medium-term funding, before payment of salaries. No collateral required, salary advance will be made available within 24 hours.

1 Account Type
Salary Advance Form

Kindly upload your signature

Consent *


*You must have your salary account domiciled with Gateway.
*You must have received your salary through your account in the last three months from the same employer.
*Your salary is paid in Naira (NGN).
*You can only apply for a maximum of 50% of net monthly salary.
*Minimum loan amount on Salary Advance is N12,500 and the Maximum loan amount on Salary Advance is N500,000.
*Monthly salary is N 50,000 and above for private sector employees.

This application is subject to the Bank's approval. The Bank shall be entitled at its sole discretion to decline an application without furnishing any reason.
